

This allows you to call any read-only smart contract function that does not require the user to sign the transaction. It can be invoked even before the user is logged in.


async CallGenericReadFunction(args, apiKey)


Return Value

Object returned from smart contract.

    "statusCode": 1/0,
    "data": "data" // the data returned from the smart contract function
    "error": "error" // error if any

Handling Large Numerical Values

Applicable to EVM Chains only

While passing in large numerical values (values above 9007199254740991) in args.params, a conversion to BigNumber format needs to be made. You can use the following methods that convert the number to and from the appropriate format:

ConvertNumberToBigNumber(number, decimal) - Use this method while passing in numbers as params to a smart function that requires uint256 numbers

ConvertBigNumberToNumber(bigNumber, decimal) - Use this method while converting response values from a smart contract function call (which are in bigNumber format) to a JS Number


import { 
} from '@metafi/metafi-js-sdk';
import stakeContractAbi from '../contracts/abi/stakeContract.json';

function App() {

    const getStakedBalance = async () => {
        let result = await CallGenericReadFunction({
            chain: chains.eth,             
            contractAddress: "0xF5C9F957705bea56a7e806943f98F7877B995826",   
            functionABI: stakeContractAbi.abi,   
            functionName: "getStakedAmount",
            params: ["0x40562Cf2E90f23b3969d782B5d8f134A77069b49"],               
            'staked value is: ', 
            ConvertBigNumberToNumber(, 18),
    return (
           <button onClick={getStakedBalance}>Get User Staked Balance</button>

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