UI Customization


You can customise the look and feel of the wallet to suit the UI of your game. Currently, you can customise the colours of the wallet, however we are constantly working to add more customisation options. If you have any requests, please post it on our Discord and we will look into it.


You can customise the theme of the wallet using the theme object passed in as an option while initialising the Metafi Component. It is an optional field, and leaving it empty will cause the wallet to use the default theme.

The theme object accepts the following parameters.


using Metafi.Unity;
using System.Dynamic;

public class StartButton : MonoBehaviour {
    async void Start() {
        Debug.Log("Initializing Metafi Provider");

        dynamic _options = new ExpandoObject();
        _options.logo = @"Assets/Resources/logo-2.png";
        _options.theme = new {
            fontColors = new {
                primary = "#FFFFFF",
                secondary = "#e8e8e8"
            bgColor = "#29327F",
            ctaButton = new {
                color = "#F19B28",
                fontColor = "#FFFFFF"
            optionButton = new {
                color = "rgba(255,255,255,0.1)",
                fontColor = "#FFFFFF"
            metafiLogoColor = "light",
        await MetafiProvider.Instance.Init(
            new List<Chain> {Chains.ETH, Chains.MATIC, Chains.GOERLI, Chains.MUMBAI},
            new List<Token> {},
        Debug.Log("Metafi Provider initialized");

Last updated